Swim Team

The Sheboygan Falls Youth Swim Team (SFYST) has been a part of Sheboygan Falls Aquatic Center since 2001. The objectives of the team are as follows:

  • To foster development of competitive swimming

  • To promote swimming as a means of healthful exercise and as a means for improving the physical fitness of our youth

  • To develop of good citizenship and good sportsmanship through participation in amateur swimming.

All individuals who display an aptitude for competitive swimming are eligible to participate. The team usually competes in swim meets throughout the year.

To participate on the team, swimmers must be familiar with the competitive swim strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.  Swimmers should have completed at least Learn-to-Swim Level 4 (for the best experience for the swimmer, Level 5/6 should be completed).  Must-have skills include: dolphin kick, butterfly, breaststroke, open turns, flip turns.

Typically participants range from 8-14 years old.

2023-34 School Year Rec Swim Team 

Practice Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays

Dates: January 2-February 29

Time: 4-5pm

Competition Schedule:  Brillion Fun Meet - Monday, January 29th at 4:30pm (info will be distributed to team)

Registration Info: Each participant must register on DaySmart Recreation. Registration is limited to the first 50 signups.

Team Store Info: Click here to view/order optional team suit and cap - 8% of all sales are credited back to the SF Aquatic Center (even on items not affiliated with the Team Store).